Other areas available, contact us for more information.  

According to the EPA, people are spending over 90% of their time indoors.  That is a whopping 22 hours a day spent inside.  If our indoor environment is not a healthy one, it stands to reason that our health WILL be negatively impacted.  With the time needed for work, school, family, other responsibilities, and sleeping, it can be tough to find time to be outside.  That’s why optimizing your home (or office) environment is so crucial. As a BBEC & EMRS certified Building Biologist who is IICRC certified for Mold and InterNACHI certified for home inspection, the Holistic Home Zone uses state-of-the-art testing and inspection methods to assess: EMF / EMR / 5G, air quality, mold, bacteria, VOC (volatile organic compounds) and identify other indoor pollutants to help make your space a healthy one.  

Some of the things we look for:

  • Radio Frequencies
  • Electromagnetic Frequencies
  • Electromagnetic Radiation
  • 4G & 5G
  • Dirty Electricity
  • Electric Fields
  • Magnetic Fields
  • Molds & Mycotoxins
  • Bacteria 
  • VOCs from Chemicals
    • Cleaning products
    • Pest control
    • Personal care products
    • Paints
    • Etc. 
  • Radon
  • Allergens
  • Natural Gas

Creating and maintaining a healthy living or working space can be challenging, as there are many variables to consider. We use Building Biology to help you identify areas that need improvement and guide you in making changes, so you can enjoy all the benefits of living in a holistic, healthy home.